A tournament is a contest in which all players start with an equal amount of chips and continue to play up to the point where only one player remains. Blinds/antes are raised consistently throughout the tournament.
Sit & Go Tournaments
- Sit and Go tournaments (a.k.a SnG's, Sit & Go's, Single Table Tournaments, STT's) are an exciting format of poker than has become very popular. Sit and Go's offer the thrill of a regular multi-table tournament but every game is like you've reached the final table
- One of the other attractive features of Sit and Go's, and where the name originates, is that they can be offered with no set schedule. As soon as enough players have registered, the tournament begins
- Time is another factor. While multi-table tournaments can last several hours, Sit and Go's normally complete in less than an hour, making it easy for players to get in the action without a long time commitment.
Multi-Table Tournaments
- These have players spread across many tables
- There is a set starting time and players must register in advance in order to play
- The closing time for registration will be announced in the lobby
- All seat assignments are randomly drawn prior to the start of the tournament
- As play progresses and players are knocked out, the remaining players are moved to different tables in order to keep them full. The transferring of players from one table to another (as a result of tables breaking down) is done completely at random. This process continues until the last player remains.